Natel's Monroe Drop Hydropower Project just ended our most productive season yet, generating 917 MWh of energy in a six month period with one FishSafe™ turbine.
The Monroe plant makes use of an existing irrigation canal operated by the North Unit Irrigation District (NUID). The project operates in a “run-of-canal” mode, generating electricity from available water flowing through the drop structure during the irrigation season (April through October).
Monroe has consistently operated at a level of availability well over the industry average, and this year Monroe exceeded its own past years in availability. According to the latest DOE hydropower market report, average availability for small hydro plants in the US is 79%. This year our total availability at Monroe was 94%, and the turbine's availability was 100%. Losses in availability were quickly resolved and none required offsite staff members to travel to the plant, helping to keep OpEx low.
Natel has owned and operated the Monroe Hydropower plant for several years. In 2020 we installed a 1.9 m (6.25 ft) diameter FishSafe™ turbine in the plant, and in 2023 LIHI certified Monroe as a Low Impact Hydropower Project. We have conducted two passage tests at Monroe to study rainbow trout, in collaboration with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
January, 12, 2025. Monroe Hydro was owned and operated by Natel Energy when this was written in October 2024. In December 2024, Natel sold the Monroe plant to Now Energy.
Natel's Center Sender, which uses electricity to guide fish more safely through or around turbines, was one of three winners of the 2020 Fish Protection Prize.