Japan's Techblitz Profiles Natel

October 10, 2022

The Japanese media company Techblitz spoke with Gia Schneider about the potential for sustainable, FishSafe hydro development in Japan.

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Video: Transforming our energy landscape with Natel's FishSafe Restoration Hydro Turbine

In 2019 Tony Grassi, owner of The Mill at Freedom Falls, partnered with Natel to install the first Restoration Hydro Turbine.


Natel wins multiple prizes in DOE photo and video contest

Natel employees Kate Stirr and Betsy Pfeiffer and former employee Andy Baumgartner won 5 prizes total for their photos and video of Natel's FishSafe technology.


Gia Schneider chats with Elena Casas from Reuters about sustainable hydropower on The Switch

Watch Gia's chat with Elena Casas on Reuters's The Switch. They discuss climate change, learning from beavers, and the future of sustainable hydropower.